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Generic Starlix (tm) Nateglinide 60 mg

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Generic Name : Nateglinide
Therapy : Diabetes
Per Pill Price : $0.00

Generic Starlix (tm) Nateglinide 60 mg

Brand : Starlix
$25.50 Ships within 24 hours.
Retail price at other pharmacies : $39.51
You Save : 35.46%
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Generic Starlix® : Nateglinide
Nateglinide is the chemical name of the active ingredient in Starlix®

Generic Buy Starlix™ 60 mg (30 Pills) for Diabetes

Buy online Generic Starlix (tm) 60 mg (30 Pills), Starlix Cost, Price $25.50 at 35% Discount.

Chemical Name: NATEGLINIDE (neh-TEGG-lin-ide)

Other name brands for this medication
Glinate, Trunate, Nateron, Natstar, Natelide, Nateglide

Possible Uses of Starlix: This medicine is a blood glucose-lowering agent used alone or in combination with metformin to treat type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus not adequately controlled with diet and exercise alone. This medicine may also be used in combination with medicines called thiazolidinediones such as rosiglitazone if control of blood sugar has not been achieved with the thiazolidinedione alone. This medicine may be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Before using Starlix: Some medicines or medical conditions may interact with this medicine. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all prescription and over-the-counter medicine that you are taking. ADDITIONAL MONITORING OF YOUR DOSE OR CONDITION may be needed if you are taking ACE inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), salicylates (e.g., aspirin), phenylbutazone, beta-blockers, diuretics, steroids, medicines for thyroid disease, fenugreek, or ginseng. Inform your doctor of any other medical conditions, allergies, pregnancy, or breast-feeding. USE OF THIS MEDICINE IS NOT RECOMMENDED if you have history of acidosis or type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. ADDITIONAL MONITORING OF YOUR DOSE OR CONDITION may be needed if you have liver disease. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions or concerns about taking this medicine.

How to take Starlix: Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. This medicine must be taken 1 to 30 minutes before meals generally three times daily. If you skip a meal, you should skip your dose of this medicine to reduce your risk of developing hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature at 77 degrees F (25 degrees C) in a tightly-closed container, away from heat and light. Brief storage between 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C) is permitted. Since this drug is generally given only before meals, consult your doctor or pharmacist regarding advice on a missed dose.

Precautions When Using Starlix: DO NOT STOP USING THIS MEDICINE without first checking with your doctor. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE without checking with your doctor. FOLLOW THE DIETARY PLAN provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY CAUSE hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Signs of hypoglycemia include an increased heart rate, headache, sweating, tremor, increased hunger, changes in vision, nervousness, or tiredness. Discuss with your doctor how to handle hypoglycemic reactions. DO NOT DRIVE, OPERATE MACHINERY, OR DO ANYTHING ELSE THAT COULD BE DANGEROUS until you know how you react to this medicine. Using this medicine alone, with other medicines, or with alcohol, may lessen your ability to drive or to perform other potentially dangerous tasks. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATEMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, either prescription or over-the-counter, check with your doctor or pharmacist. THIS MEDICINE IS NOT RECOMMENDED for use during pregnancy. Insulin therapy may be necessary during pregnancy. Consult your doctor for more details. IT IS UNKNOWN IF THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED in breast milk. DO NOT BREAST-FEED while taking this medicine.

Side Effects of Starlix: SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking this medicine include dizziness, increased heartbeat, headache, sweating, tremor, increased hunger, changes in vision, nervousness, or tiredness. If they are severe or continue to occur, check with your doctor. AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO THIS MEDICINE is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.

Drug Interactions of Starlix: Drug interactions can result in unwanted side effects or prevent a medicine from doing its job. Use our drug interaction checker to find out if your medicines interact with each other. Check drug interactions

Overdose of Starlix: If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. Symptoms of overdose may include headache, sweating, shakiness, increased hunger, changes in vision, nervousness, tiredness, seizures, and loss of consciousness.

Other Information of Starlix: Proper diet, regular exercise, and regular testing of blood sugar are important for best results when using this medicine. Certain conditions such as illness, stress, or emotional disturbances may change your insulin requirements. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully. Carry an identification card at all times that says you are diabetic. Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly according to your doctor's directions. If your blood sugar level is often higher than it should be and you are taking this medicine according to directions, check with your doctor. DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE with others for whom it was not prescribed. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE for other health conditions. KEEP THIS PRODUCT, as well as syringes and needles, out of the reach of children. Do not reuse needles, syringes, or other materials. Dispose of properly after use. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist to explain local regulations for selecting an appropriate container and properly disposing of the container when full. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain more insulin before your supply runs out.

COST OF Starlix : The lowest MyGenericPharmacy.com price for the most common version of Starlix (Nateglinide) is around $0.85, 35% off the average online retailing price of $39.51.


1. What is Nateglinide (Starlix) and what is it used for?
Nateglinide is a medical drug sold under the name Starlix which belongs to a class of medication called Meglitinides. This medicine is used with proper diet and exercise to treat type 2 diabetes by regulating the amount of sugar in your blood. It stimulates the pancreas to release insulin.

2. When and how to use Nateglinide?
Glipizide is available to us in a form of pill that must be taken by mouth 30 minutes before each meal or as per your doctor's prescription. It is usually taken three times a day daily. The dosage is based on your medical condition and its response to the treatment. Take the medicine at the same time daily to get the most benefits from it. Do not increase your dosage as it may lead to much decrease in your blood pressure. Do not take this medicine more often than prescribed as the risk of side effects may increase without any improvement in your condition. Keep a check on your blood sugar level on a daily basis. Your doctor may start your medication with low dosage which will increase gradually after some while so that the risk of side effects are reduced. Discuss all the other medicine that you may be taking with your doctor and consult them in case of any confusion.

3. What are the side effects of Nateglinide?
Common side effects observed while medicating with Nateglinide is weight gain which may occur. Inform your doctor if this condition persists or gets worse. There are some severe side effects which must be informed to the doctor right away if observed such as symptoms of low blood sugar include sudden sweating, shaking, fast heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, dizziness, or tingling hands/feet, Symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) include thirst, increased urination, confusion, drowsiness, flushing, rapid breathing, and fruity breath odor, constipation, blood/mucus in stool etc. There are also some rare but serious allergic reactions to this medicine which requires immediate medical attention if observed such as severe dizziness, trouble breathing, rash, itching/swelling etc.

4. How effective is Nateglinide? Is it better than metformin?
Nateglinide is considered as an effective medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It has an excellent safety and tolerable nature with high success in reducing sugar level when taken as monotherapy. Its efficacy is also comparable to that of metformin which is considered as one of the most effective and prescribed medicine.

5. Can Nateglinide cause hypoglycemia?
Nateglinide is a kind of medicine that controls and maintains the blood sugar level by releasing insulin through the pancreas. When Nateglinide is used along with other antidiabetic agents, low blood sugar levels may also occur. The reason could be a delay in meal or skipping of meal due to which the food who's sugar level is to be controlled seems missing thereby decreasing the sugar level.

6. What precautions must be taken before medicating with Nateglinide?
Before the onset of Nateglinide medication, you must inform your doctor regarding certain conditions such as allergies related to it, or any other allergies as these products may contain some ingredient that causes an allergic reaction inside your body. Tell your doctor if you have any medical history related to kidney problems or disease, liver disease, Gout, etc. Do not drive or use any important or heavy machinery task after taking Nateglinide.

7. Is Nateglinide safe during pregnancy?
Nateglinide is a kind of medicine that must only be used when necessary during pregnancy. Pregnancy may worsen your diabetes condition and your doctor may need to reschedule the treatment and its course. Discuss the risk and benefits before medicating with Nateglinide. Also, it is unknown whether the drug gets passed into breast milk or not.

8. Does Nateglinide cause weight gain?
According to studies related to Nateglinide, a person medicating with Nateglinide may observed weight gain. Nateglinide may also cause low blood sugar levels. One must inform the doctor if observes any persisting or worsening effect.

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